Francium Specifications

 **Francium Specifications:**

1. **Chemical Element:**

   - Symbol: Fr

   - Atomic Number: 87

   - Atomic Mass: Approximately 223 u

2. **Physical Properties:**

   - State at Room Temperature: Radioactive metal

   - Melting Point: Approximately 27°C (Estimated)

   - Boiling Point: Approximately 677°C (Estimated)

3. **Radioactive Nature:**

   - Highly radioactive and unstable.

   - Exhibits rapid decay, primarily through alpha decay.

4. **Occurrence:**

   - Extremely rare in nature.

   - Mainly produced synthetically in laboratories.

5. **Isotopes:**

   - Francium has no stable isotopes.

   - The most stable isotope is Francium-223.

6. **Chemical Properties:**

   - Alkali metal in Group 1 of the periodic table.

   - Reacts violently with water, similar to other alkali metals.

   - Exhibits typical properties of alkali metals.

7. **Applications:**

   - Limited practical applications due to its scarcity and high radioactivity.

   - Primarily used for scientific research, particularly in nuclear physics.

8. **Health and Safety:**

   - Handling of francium requires extreme caution due to its radioactivity.

   - Strict safety measures must be in place for any experimentation involving francium.

9. **History:**

   - Discovered in 1939 by Marguerite Perey.

   - Named after France in recognition of Perey's home country.

10. **Future Prospects:**

    - Ongoing research for potential applications in advanced nuclear physics and medicine.

    - Limited commercial use due to challenges associated with its production and handling.

Note: The information provided is based on the knowledge available up to January 2022.

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